Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Big Girls Don't Cry

Okay, so I had my SHG procedure on yesterday. And it wasn't bad at all. Not to mention I popped two Tylenol's a hour before I arrived. New RE is very nice and informative. We received our new protocol. This time RE is adding PIO for 3 days starting on the day of the ER. I've heard those intramuscular shots hurt like a Bitch!! But that's alright. If I didn't cry yesterday, I won't cry later.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yummy Fertility Cocktail

Ok, so, I went to the local Vitamin Shoppe thinking I would be the only person there. Silly Me!! That place was bursting at the seams with men and women. I guess people really are taking charge of their personal health. Anyways, I ask the worker to show me where I could find Royal Jelly and Propolis. I slowly walked behind her like the walk of shame, as if people knew why I was going to that isolated area of the store. When I arrived I was standing in the midst of four other women, all inspecting the Royal Jelly labels. I smiled at the confirmation that I was not alone.  I pretended to read the bottle but only lingered so I could hear the conversations about the Royal Jelly. One lady was buying it at the advise of her doctor, two other ladies were told by a homeopathic doc to buy the stuff. All purchases were to increase chances of fertility. So now, I have my very expensive purchase of Y.S. Organic Royal Jelly and Propolis. Thank goodness I'm not allergic to bee's. I'll be taking this fertility cocktail along with DHEA and Wheatgrass until my January IVF. Wish me luck!! Wish me Sanity!!

  • Wheatgrass (or Barley Grass) - helps the cervical mucus and uterus have the right ph balance needed for conception and implantation. Can help restore hormonal functioning.

  • Royal jelly -  can  raise fertility levels by balancing and boosting the hormonal levels 

  • DHEA - is a hormone building block that decreases with aging. A study reported that taking 80 milligrams per day for 2 months improved response to gonadotropic drugs.
    **Note** don’t take for long periods of time. Women with elevated male hormones should not take DHEA.

  • Urban Legend

    No one ever told me black women could experience infertility. I always thought it was someone else's problem and I didn't need to bother with knowing too much about it. I thought black women could have children at the drop of dime or whenever they wanted. So, are you telling me that urban legend is untrue?? One of my unmarried girlfriends became pregnant at age 40 with a casual partner. I cried all night when I got the news. And then my neighbor across the street became pregnant, with a casual partner. Both women are super intelligent with nice paying jobs so if they can get pregnant without trying me and DH should breeze right through TTC with no problems. WRONG!!! We've been TTC for almost 2 years and I can't help but scratch my head. I've never hit the lotto, I've won very few door prizes, and my sister always beat me in Yahtzee, so you see statistics have never been on my side. So why now am I in that statistically growing group of women who are having difficulties naturally concieving??? It's not fair.