Sunday, January 30, 2011



Actually my beta was scheduled for last Thursday but AF arrived on Wednesday. I had a important mtg at work on Thursday so I didn't go in for the scheduled beta. Somehow I felt like I was thumbing my nose at the entire process. I finally made it to the RE's office on Friday afternoon. The nurse tried to reassure me that I could still get a BFP and was very optimistic. I wanted to claw her eyes out. I knew it was formality and she probably said that to everyone, but I just didn't want to here it. So now we are faced with the dilemma of trying again or throwing in the towel. We're going to take a few months off to live, travel, love, and enjoy life. Maybe one day our dreams will come true.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


No symptoms. Nada!! Zilch!! Not sure what to think. Perhaps its too early for symptoms. Yeah, that's it. Symptoms usually don't show up until 4-6 weeks after last menstrual. So I guess I'll continue to wait. Will probably test tomorrow.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) starts to enter the blood stream

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Trying so hard to stay optimistic. DH tells me not to think about it so much, but its hard. At my age I'm very sensitive to my body and every twitch or twinge means something. My left ovary is a bit more bossy so I can Always tell when I'm ovulating. I never hear a peep out of the right one. My breast are usually tender for about 3 days prior to AF. An then all of a sudden they stop hurting and AF arrives on schedule 2 days later. Whenever AF is about to arrive the texture of my poop changes (sorry if TMI). It becomes extremely soft and liquidity....that pretty much is the nail in the coffin. The human body is a wonderful thing, but right now I hate mine. Why can't I get a sign , a twitch......something. So I guess I'll continue to wait in IVF purgatory where everything is over dramatic and every BFN really is a BFP.

Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetus have begun to develop

Friday, January 21, 2011


Nothing!!! I feel absolutely nothing. Not sure how soon I should experience symptoms but right now nothings. Oh yeah, except for the dull soreness under my breasts. I don't know what to think. I've been here too many times. I don't think I going to test. Beta is 1/27/11. I'd rather hold on to the idea that I might be preggers versus testing and getting a BFN. Wish me luck!!

Implantation continues

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sorry for the delayed post. So to get you up to date......ER was on 1/12/11. Only 6 eggs retrieved which was extremely disappointing. 3 matured and 2 fertilized. ET was 1/15/11......5-cell grade 3 and 6-cell grade 3. The grading scale was 1-5 with 5 being the highest, so both embies are right in the middle. Frankly I'm scared to death and not sure if the embies are going to stick. I have no symptoms at all. I'm currently taking endometrin suppositories 3 x day. I've done extensive research on PIO and medrol, both are suppose to help with preparing the uterine lining for implantation. I hope it works.

The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time to Hatch the eggs!!!

Oh wow!! I can't believe it's here. Egg retrieval this morning and I'm not exactly sure how I should feel. I'm excited becuase the day has finally arrived, but petrified that the procedure won't work out and we'll end up back to square one. I've been so nernervous all week I probably lost a few pounds because I've had no appetitie. I was on stims for 10 full days and took my last menopur ganirelix shot on the morning of CD11. During our last visit on Monday we learned that I had 6 follies on the right (19, 16, 15, 11, 11, 10) and 5 follies on the left (22, 20, 17, 13, 13). I triggered Monday night at 9:30. I'm praying that all goes well this morning. It's snowing here so we'll leave extra early. In the meantime, we're off to hatch the eggs!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Okay so, yesterday I had my follow-up u/s and b/w. I've always had problems with my camera shy lefft ovary but yesterday was just ridiculous. The regular tech was out so there was a nurse attempting to do ultrasounds. She couldn't find my left ovary, which I already knew would happen. She called the RE in and asked for assistance. My RE is a woman so I assumed she would be a bit more gentle.........WRONG!!! She inserted that wand so far up my goodies I could have sworn I tasted the thing. She immediately noticed my discomfort and apologized, but continued searching for the lost ovary. She found it, and boy was I relieved. I pray that this is my final IVF procedure. We just want a baby.

Saturday, January 1, 2011