Thursday, January 20, 2011


Sorry for the delayed post. So to get you up to date......ER was on 1/12/11. Only 6 eggs retrieved which was extremely disappointing. 3 matured and 2 fertilized. ET was 1/15/11......5-cell grade 3 and 6-cell grade 3. The grading scale was 1-5 with 5 being the highest, so both embies are right in the middle. Frankly I'm scared to death and not sure if the embies are going to stick. I have no symptoms at all. I'm currently taking endometrin suppositories 3 x day. I've done extensive research on PIO and medrol, both are suppose to help with preparing the uterine lining for implantation. I hope it works.

The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation

1 comment:

  1. I know you don't know me, I just started following your blog, but I just wanted to send a note and say I am thinking about you and hoping for a wonderful outcome in your journey.
